Wich are the benefits of be vegetarian?

Have you ever seen an obese vegetarian? Do you know what is vegetarian? Do you know which Olympic field champions and track or sports stars have been and are vegetarians? Did you know that vegetarian people are statistically less likely to have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol? Perhaps for this reason, there are more and more people who want to eat a healthier and more natural diet and have opted for a large part of their diet, or all of it, to be vegetarian. If we talk about health, it is absolutely proven that the intake of vegetables is essential to stay healthy and fit.

vegetarian cooking by Jerónimo Yagüe Calvo 2006.


The Meat production

the animal protein production is specially when the animals feed with specialized farms, normally be less efficient than vegetable farms. the extensive livestock would be practiced in remote environments and when deforest and degradation of the earth reflect the weakness of the political institutions. the intensive livestock production tends to crowded in low cost places, placed near to the cost or cities in where it is difficult to clean all recidues and that generate contamination

statistics of contamination

What are the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?

There are many benefits to start a vegetarian diet when it’s followed correctly. If you’re avoiding meat but you only eating processed breads and pastas, excess sugar, and very little vegetables and fruits, you’re unlikely to reap many of the benefits of this diet.

Some benefits of the vegetarian diet

  1. Good for heart health

    Vegetarians may be up to one-thirdTrusted Source less likely to die or be hospitalized for heart disease. Of course, food choices matter - vegetarian or not. If you want the heart-protective benefits of the diet, be sure to choose:

    • high-fiber whole grains
    • legumes
    • nuts
    • vegetables and fruits
    • other low-glycemic foods

    The idea is to consume soluble fiber and choose foods that’ll help keep blood sugar levels stable. By doing so, you may reduce your cholesterol and overall risk of heart attack.

  2. Cancer

    Multiple studies suggest that consuming high amounts of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. In addition, vegetarians have a lower incidence of cancer than non-vegetarians.

  3. Type 2 diabetes

    Some research suggests that a plant-based diet may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes due to less metabolic impact.

  4. weight management

    The same foods that are a good choice for preventing chronic disease can also help with weight control. Therefore, a habitual consumption of seeds and legumes is related to greater satiety, which can lead to greater control of body weight.
